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Thursday, 28 February 2013

Planning: Idea

As soon as we had received our song from More Than Conquerors we immediately set out on trying to come up with the perfect music video idea for this perfect song. The first thing we did was sit down individually and listen to the lyrics of the song. After a few complications with understanding the lyrics, and a quick email to lead singer Kris, we had the lyrics perfect and each our own individual interpretation. However, one thing all of our interpretations had in common was they were all focused around death and destruction. After deliberating on whose idea we preferred we eventually went with Danny's idea as we all agreed collectively that it was the best.

As soon as we had heard Danny's idea out in full we set out on designing a group Prezi so that we could write down all of the equipment, props, camera shots, and narrative we would need. Each person was in charge of an individual section for the planning of the idea and piecing it together. Although due to it being Danny's idea he offered to write out an in depth plot description, as well as drawing the storyboard so that we could completely envision his idea. Once the story board was complete we each took a page each to crop the images and fit them into the seconds of the song we had. Once we had all pieced the animatic together we sent it off to More Than Conquerors for their approval.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Hearth and Home: music video ideas

Plot Synopsis 

The narrative of the music video is set in the aftermath of a murder in a household. The primary focus of the narrative is the husband who has murdered his wife in their shared home. The narrative is aimed to mirror the songs lyrics in that the main character feels driven from the life he once knew. Throughout the story the character reflects on his past life and the consequences of his actions. These are done in the form of flashbacks. The character throughout feels guilty and regrets what he has done but still wishes to determine his own fate, this is why he runs from whoever pursues him. The fleeing from his actions and from the repercussions drive him to end his own life to rejoin his wife in death. Throughout the narrative of the video, there will be several different shots of the band as they perform in synchronisation with the song. These shots will include multiple close up shots of the band members and also wide shots to include everyone in the frame.

Detailed Plot

The story begins in a long narrow path bordered by broken and battered fences, the path is lined with tufts of grass reflecting the wild nature of the area. The sky grows dull with the sun radiating it’s last rays before being extinguished, the clouds weep, drenching the rough gravel creating large puddles dotting around a solitary figure, motionless at the beginning of the path.
The rain falls on the main character who doesn’t react to it but instead stares at a cherished memory in the form of a photo of the character and his love lost. The scene then changes to a flashback of the characters warm and comfortable home he is now so distant from. As the introduction of the song concludes the hooded and obscured character rips off the section containing him and drops it lifelessly to the rain-soaked ground.
As the chorus then suddenly begins, the character bursts into a run, striving to escape a mistake unknown to the audience. The camera continues to follow the character, viewing him from the side as to hide his face. Despite his best efforts to escape from what he has done he fails to be rid of the sorrow embedded in him.
The scene then changes to another memory, distorted and hazed in the characters mind that depicts the scene of the crime shortly after the character, as revealed, has murdered his wife. The door of their home lays a jar but on the step rests a blood soaked knife still shaking as if recently dropped.The camera moves through the doorway to view the horrifying image of the obscured body. Only the lifeless hand is visible from behind a second doorway, the hand is sprayed in blood.

Away from the flashback the location has now changed to a dark area sheltered at least from the wind. Time has now passed to a point where it is very dark with low visibility, the only source of light and comfort being the fire, providing warmth to the lonely character. The character stays close to the flames to ponder over the remaining strip of photo before throwing it into the fire. he then gets up from the log he was sitting on and runs from the incoming torches hunting him. He sprints with the beams of the flashlights stalking him. Various shots of the pursuit. The character falls over but promptly gets up and continues fleeing.

Now at current time there is a lengthy pursuit of the husband. The character falls at one point but gets back up to escape his pursuers.

The shot then cuts to the husband, now out of reach of his pursuers, standing at a ledge overlooking a large drop. Mingled with this is memories of a better time with his wife that mirror how he feel about being separated from his wife. With his love lost and his action catching up with him he falls off the ledge purposely to his death in which he would rejoin his loved one.


  • Conway mill
  • Catchlight
  • Townhouse
  • Start together studio
  • Blacks path
  • Springfield road

Equipment list:
  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Lights (halogen)
  • Clothes and costume
  • Props (knife, fake blood, wedding rings, photo)
  • Drum kit
  • Guitars
  • Mic and stand
  • Fire
  • Bedsheet
  • Blu tac/Gaffa tape
  • Fog machine
  • Amps
  • Edgy
  • Scary
  • Serious
  • Intense 
  • Dark
  • Stop motion
  • Time lapse
  • Animation
  • Chromakey
  • Slow/Fast motion
  • Extreme close ups
  • Angles: Overhead/High/Low/Wide
  • Focus: Sharp/Blurred/Bokeh
  • Exposure: Under/Over
  • Lighting: Projections/Pots/Gels
  • Lyrics and other text: Overlaid or made from objects

Project Plan:


Blacks Path: (location of running scene) [4,6,7,8,10];

This filming location involves the character running away through the dark wooded path, the character is frightened of something but it is not clear yet, this location is used to show the path the character must now take to escape what he has done.

Abandoned House Springfield Rd (fire, performance?) [shot 13/14];

This location i think fits the song well, it is an old abandoned house, cold and desolate it really emphasizes the feeling of being away from home, being kicked out or not welcome.

Dannys house at 97 oakhurst ave. 
(looking into living room from outside) [shot 3/5];

The shot here looks into the window of the house, this shot could be used with the abandoned house earlier to show the difference of what used to be and what is now. this shot will try to convey warmth brightness.

Danny’s front door  (Shot of knife on doorstep) [shot 11/12/19];

Blacks Path Abandoned House (shot of fire)[shots 13/14/17/18/20];

The location of the fire could be at either of these two locations, the fire would symbolize the solitude of the character, with the only light being the fire this represents the life of his wife, the shot where the fire distorts the characters body could be interpreted as that things are not so simple now and unclear.

 Lady Dixon, memory/afterlife scene: (shots 45,46,47,48,51)

 This is the main setting for the memory of a better time with the wife character. Obviously the lighting will be much brighter but still at dusk, the memory is significant in that it symbolises the afterlife for both of our characters.

Conway mill: location for shooting performance

Shot Summary:

1. Close up shot of guitar being played.

2. Close up shot of lead singer and microphone.

3. Shot of photograph being ripped and thrown away.

4. Close up shot of lead singer and microphone.

5. Shot of inside home from outside - Convey warmth and bright atmosphere.

6. Close up shot of lead singer and microphone.

7. Throws down ripped up photo and slowly breaks from camera into run. Camera follows at mid height.

8. Running down path - slow motion. (Shot from behind)

9. Foot splashing into puddle - slow motion.

10. Camera follows run (sprinting - slowed down by editing)

11. Mid shot of back up vocals and right guitar.

12. Shot of whole body - face covered. (180 degree rule)

13. Door open with knife wobbling on the step dripping blood.

14. Point Of View shot pushing door aside to reveal hand (showing wedding ring)

15. Person seated at location - fire is the only source of light. (Wide shot)

16. Shot through the fire to distort person - Mid shot.

17. Shot of drummer + see whole drum kit - wide shot.

18. Shot of bass guitarist - Either mid shot/full length.

19. Over the shoulder shot (180 degree rule)

20. Close up of photo - then thrown into fire.

21. Close up of hands and knife covered in blood.

22. Runs away from the fire - wide shot.

23. Left guitar back up vocals - mid shot.

24. Torches/flashlights following him from behind.

25. Flashlights flicker around the character as he runs. (Mid shot)

26. Close up of lead singer and microphone.

27. Character falls over but fades to next flashback.

28. Shot of wife bleeding. (After being stabbed)

29. Tilt up to reveal face as husband in shock of what just happened.

30. Close up of wife’s distraught facial expression - tears.

31. Wife falls over (dead) extending her hand like earlier flashback.

32. Shot of drummer. See full drum kit.

33. Mid shot of right guitarist.

34. Left - shot of bass guitarist. Either mid shot/full shot.

35. Point Of View shot - pushing door aside to reveal a hand. Husband runs out of shot with a knife in hand.

36. Husband runs out of door dropping the knife. Door open with knife wobbling on the step dripping blood.

37. Shot from behind left of character running away from pursuers. Can see torch shine on his back.

38. Shot of character slowing to ledge.

39. Character approaches ledge.

40. Close up - singing in to microphone.

41. Shot of drummer. Whole drum kit in shot.

42. Takes step to ledge, light of torches flickering. Calm demeanour of character.

43. Mid shot of back up vocals.

44. Close up of character - tears running down face.

45. Last flash back - shot from behind. Happier times presented by brighter costume and dusk sun shining.

46. Following the wife as she turns around - Mid shot.

47. Wife runs off as he slows down.

48. Wife beckons him to follow - wide shot makes wife distant.

49. Shot from behind, whole body drops off edge.

50. Close up of guitar being played.

51. Walking off into distance - wide shot to show distance.

Animatics Video:

Prezi Blogs: 

These are our group blogs. One features our research into similar bands and videos, and the other features our ideas for our music video:

- Danny, Niamh and Adam