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Thursday 28 February 2013

Planning: Idea

As soon as we had received our song from More Than Conquerors we immediately set out on trying to come up with the perfect music video idea for this perfect song. The first thing we did was sit down individually and listen to the lyrics of the song. After a few complications with understanding the lyrics, and a quick email to lead singer Kris, we had the lyrics perfect and each our own individual interpretation. However, one thing all of our interpretations had in common was they were all focused around death and destruction. After deliberating on whose idea we preferred we eventually went with Danny's idea as we all agreed collectively that it was the best.

As soon as we had heard Danny's idea out in full we set out on designing a group Prezi so that we could write down all of the equipment, props, camera shots, and narrative we would need. Each person was in charge of an individual section for the planning of the idea and piecing it together. Although due to it being Danny's idea he offered to write out an in depth plot description, as well as drawing the storyboard so that we could completely envision his idea. Once the story board was complete we each took a page each to crop the images and fit them into the seconds of the song we had. Once we had all pieced the animatic together we sent it off to More Than Conquerors for their approval.

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